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Custom Reverse Umbrella – Uses and Benefits

Getting in and out of your car in car while using a regular umbrella is far from fun as it will leave you drenched with the rain drops spilling out of the wet canopy of umbrellas. This is what makes inverted umbrellas a better choice for the wet and wild rainy season.

 SkyView Inverted Folding Umbrellas

Reverse umbrella was invented by  Jenan Kazim who is an engineer based in London and sparked by the idea of his mother in law who complained how her umbrella  dripped all over the floor of her house. This umbrella has become a rage in a short span itself. Designed to close away from the user’s body, inverted umbrellas won’t leave you drenched in water when a wet umbrella is fully closed. Plus , you can close this umbrella partially so that it can rest on the ground without any support.

Grand Inversa Inverted Umbrellas

Benefits of Inverted Umbrella

Designed to keep the dry side of the umbrella towards you, you will never have to worry about rain water dripping on you, inside your car, or the floor as you close it.

Self supporting: This self- supporting umbrella can stand on its own once you are done using it, which makes it easy to store these innovative umbrellas. This umbrella will also fare better against strong wind without any structural issues. The  freestanding design also means that you can easily leave this umbrella outside the house to dry without having to bring along the wet umbrella indoors.

 Leopard ViceVersa Inverted Umbrellas

Easy to open and close even in small spaces: Unlike the regular umbrella- which can be cumbersome  to unfold in a crowd, this umbrella creates an upward cone when unfolding it hence won’t poke those close to you as you open or close the umbrella in a crowd.  Reverse umbrellas is ideal for closing and opening in small spaces without disrupting other people.

Strong and Durable: Reverse umbrellas can be used in heavy winds without the risk of getting it toppled over as the strong  ribs and shafts will keep the umbrella in place and make it easy for the users to hold it steadily even in gusts. If the wind gets too strong, the umbrella will close instead of being blown away.

Easy To Hold : Inverted umbrellas are available with various handle options including hands free umbrellas with C shaped handle that will help you hold the umbrella using your arm if you have your hands full.

46 Inch Arc Personalized ViceVersa Inverted Umbrellas

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